Global Business, Finance and Governance - nowy kierunek studiów I stopnia w SGH

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Global Business, Finance and Governance to nowy kierunek studiów I stopnia prowadzony w języku angielskim, który pojawił się w ofercie Szkoły Głównej Handlowej w Warszawie.


The first-cycle studies in Global Business, Finance and Governance at the Warsaw School of Economics offer the Bachelor's degree program that prepares students for work in international business and finance environment with its unique set of issues and challenges. The graduates will be aware of the global dynamics of trade and markets shaped by the forces of globalization and appreciate how they affect both individual organizations and entire country-level economies. They will understand the transnational cooperation and marketing demands facing organizations operating internationally. The students will acquire skills enabling them to perform essential financial and marketing analyses as required in business, governmental and non-governmental organizations. In particular, the program aims to prepare for entry level and junior specialist jobs in financial, sales, logistics and marketing departments of business and non-business organizations including NGO's as well as central and local governmental entities. The program forms the theoretical and methodological basis for further Master's level education. ​


A graduate of the first-cycle studies in the field of Global Business, Finance and Governance at the Warsaw School of Economics:

  • demonstrates the ability to apply the knowledge to solve simple problems concerning entities involved in international activities,
  • is able to accomplish different business projects,
  • is able to use basic techniques of data collection and methods within the field of international economics and management in the analysis of the world economy and the national economies and their groups,
  • can accomplish simple research tasks concerning the processes taking place in the world economy or in its parts,
  • demonstrates ability to identify factors contributing to international competitiveness of countries and companies,
  • is able to conduct international transactions and logistics operations,
  • demonstrates the ability to work in an international, multicultural team,
  • can draw logical conclusions and is able to make judgments based on data from various sources,
  • is able to communicate with specialists in the same discipline as well as other professionally related persons,
  • is able to make decisions and organize team work,
  • speaks fluently two foreign languages, and part-time study graduates should speak one foreign language at an advanced level.​

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opublikowano: 2015-12-01
Polityka Prywatności